Who has dream to be a doctor?
Hey if YES, we are SAME :D someday,I wanna be a dentist, pray for me ya hehe
Btw guys,now I’m not going to talk about dreams. But we will discuss about anything related to the job of a doctor. Do you think what I mean? Stethoscope ?
white cloth?
hypodermic needle ?
criminals in disguise?
There’s not a relation between them !
-_- Okay to the point , a doctor is definitely related to health, right? even human or animal health the object is definitely BODY ya. agree? MUST BE >, < talking about the BODY this time we will learn about vocabs the parts of body. For those wishing to be a doctor at least this is basis to reach your dream, :D So strange when you’re a doctor but didn’t know where the disease exists. Although this is only the basics but surely it is useful also if you become a patient of a doctor, The doctor will also confused if your complaint is not know where . hehe Okay ! Let’s cekidot: D
First, it's five sensory organs . what are they ?
Next , Our body divided 3,they are : Head,upper-move tools,and lower-move tools they are :
1) upper-movement tools. it consist of :
a. Hand
Armpit: Ketiak
Arm: lengan
Upper arm :Lengan Atas
Elbow : Siku
Forearm : Lengan Bawah
Wrist : Pergelangan Tangan
Fist : Kepalan Tangan
Hand :Tangan
Palm :Tapak Tangan
Thumb : Ibu Jari
Index finger : Jari Telunjuk
Middle finger :Jari Tengah
Ring finger : Jari manis
Little finger : Jari kelingking
Finger : Jari Tangan
Nail : Kuku Knuckle : Buku-buku jari
Shoulder :Bahu
Chest : Dada
Chest : Dada
Back : Punggung
Waist : Pinggang
Stomach :Perut
b. lower part of body consist of :
Hip : Pinggul
Bottom : Pantat
Leg : Kaki (full)Thigh : Paha
Knee : Lutut
Calf :Betis
Ankle :Pergelangan Kaki
Foot :Kaki (the part where you wear shoe)
Heel :Tumit
Sole : Tapak Kaki
Toes :Jari Kaki
c. Head
is the most upper part in our body. The parts that include on head are :
Hair: rambut
Forehead : dahi
Fontanel : ubun-ubun
Eyebrow : alis
Eyelash : bulu mata
Eyelid : kelopak mata
Eyeball : bola mata
Nose : hidung
Nose hair : bulu hidung
Cheek : pipi
Jaw : rahang
Upper jaw : rahang atas
Lower jaw : rahang bawah
Mustache : kumis
Lips : bibir
Mouth : mulut
Tongue : lidah
Gums : gusi
Tooth : gigi
Teeth : gigi
Ceiling mouth : langit-langit mulut
Beard : janggut
Chin : dagu
Ear : telinga
Neck : leher
And,that's enough from me. Thank you for reading my blog. bye
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