Kamis, 17 Februari 2011


• When reporting speech the tense usually changes. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually talking about a time in the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too.
• Note : the reporting verbs that are usually used to report imperative sentence are :Tell , other command , ask , warn , remind

Present simple
Past tense
direct : Vita said “ I eat fried rice”
indirect :Vita said that she ate fried rice.

Past simple
Past perfect
direct : Mother said “ I went to market yesterday”
indirect : Mother said (that) she had gone to market the day before.

Future simple
Past future
direct : Dave said “ I will buy an i-pod next week’
indirect : Dave said (that) he would buy an i-pod the week after

Present continuous
Past continuous
direct : Gama said “ I’m playing football”
indirect : Gama said he was playing football

Past continuous
Past perfect continuous
direct : She said “ I was teaching earlier”
indirect : She said she had been teaching earlier

when we want to report what someone said , wedon’t usually repeat their exact words , we use our words , we can use reporting words such as tell say as follow by “that clause”

example :
my mother said that she got up at 4 o’clock


What is Noun?

Noun is a word that names a person, animal, place, thing, idea, or concept, or anything considered as noun
Remember that...
There are more nouns in the English Language than any other kind of words.

see the Noun examples
• Persons: girl, boy, instructor, student, Mr. Smith, Peter, president
• Animals: dog, cat, shark, hamster, fish, bear, flea
• Places: gym, store, school, Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota, village, Europe
• Things: computer, pen, notebook, mailbox, bush, tree, cornflakes
• Ideas: liberty, panic, attention, knowledge, compassion, worship

The Functions of Nouns in Sentences
1.Subject of the sentence
2.Predicate Noun (also Predicate Nominative or Subjective Complement)
3. Appositive (noun in apposition)
4. Direct object of a verb
5. Indirect object of a verb
6. Object of the preposition
7. Object Complement (Objective Complement)

Gerunds can also be classified as noun
For example:
I like swimming
The word ‘swimming’ is a gerund

• A phrase is a group of related words that lacks both a subject and a predicate. Because it lacks a subject and a predicate it cannot act as a sentence.

• Noun Phrases
• A noun phrase consists of a pronoun or noun with any associated modifiers, including adjectives, adjective phrases, and other nouns in the possessive case.
• Like a noun, a noun phrase can act as a subject, as the object of a verb or verbal, as a subject or object complement, or as the object of a preposition, as in the following ...
• subject
Small children often insist that they can do it by themselves.
More examples:
• object of a verb
They have found Eugene's goal.
• object of a preposition
The arctic explorers were caught unawares by the spring break up.
• subject complement
Frankenstein is the name of the scientist not the monster.
• object complement
I consider Loki my favourite cat.


  News Item:
is a factual text which informs the readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

• Social function of news item is: to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
Generic structure:
• Newsworthy Event(s): recounts the events in summary form
• Background Event(s): elaborate what happened, to WHOM, in WHAT circumstances.
• Sources: comments by participants in, witnesses to, and expert on the event.
• Significant Grammar Features:
• Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
• Generally using Simple Past Tense
• Use of Material Processes to retell the event
• Using Action Verbs, e.g.: were, run, go, kill, etc.
• Using Saying Verbs, e.g.: say, tell
• Focus on Circumstances
• Use of projecting Verbal Processes in Sources stages

• There are some rules that can help to make newspaper headlines more comprehensible.
» The passive voice is used without the appropriate form of “be”.
• Example: Town ‘Contaminated’
• Complete Sentence: Town is contaminated.
» It is unusual to find complex forms, generally the simple present form is used
• Example: Fire Destroys over 2,511 acres of Forest in 2003-2004
• Complete Sentence: Fire has destroyed over 2,511 acres of forest in 2003-2004.

» The present progressive tense is used, usually to describe something that is changing or developing, but the auxiliary verb is usually left out.
• Example: World Heading for Energy Crisis
• Complete Sentence: The world is heading for an energy crisis.
» To refer to the future, headlines often use the infinitive.
• Example: Queen to Visit Samoa.
• Complete Sentence: The Queen is going to visit Samoa.
» Headlines are not always complete sentences.
• Example: More earthquakes in Japan.
• Complete Sentence: More earthquakes happened in Japan 



What are prepositions ?
Prepositions are words that specify place, direction, and time. There are three types of prepositions : in , on , at.

Time Prepositions In - On - At
Time prepositions are used to clarity what time an event happened or will happen. Time prepositions are used nouns and pronouns. Prepositions usually come before nouns or pronouns. Prepositions never come before a verb.

We use at to designate specific times.The train is due at 12:15 p.m.

We use on to designate days and dates.
My brother is coming on Monday.
We're having a party on the Fourth of July.

We use in for nonspecific times during a day, a month, a season, or a year.
She likes to jog in the morning.
It's too cold in winter to run outside.
He started the job in 1971.
He's going to quit in August.

IMPORTANT: In English we say:
  • in the morning -because it is considered a period of time
  • in the afternoon
  • in the evening
  • at night -
Note: We say in the morning, in the afternoon, or in the evening BUT we say 'at night'

Tyler : When is the wedding?
Ally : It’s in June.
Tyler : What day?
Ally : It’s on Saturday, the 25th.
Tyler : What time?
Ally : It starts at 6:00.

Place Prepositions In - At - On
What are place prepositions?
Place prepositions , are prepositions that are used to describe the place or position of all types of nouns. It is common for the preposition to be placed before the noun. When we refer to Place prepositions we usually refer to "in", "at" and "on".

We use at for specific addresses.
Grammar English lives at 55 Boretz Road in Durham.

We use on to designate names of streets, avenues, etc.
Her house is on Boretz Road.

And we use in for the names of land-areas (towns, counties, states, countries, and continents).
She lives in Durham.
Durham is in Windham County.
Windham County is in Connecticut.

IMPORTANT: In English we say:
  • on the island
  •  in the city/country side
  •  in the mountains - except when you mean that something or someone is physically on the mountain.
  •  at the office
  Aldio: Where’s your office?
  Dino: In Taipei, Taiwan
  Aldio: Really? What part of Taipei?
  Dino: It’s on Chung Shan North Road.
  Aldio: I know that area. Where exactly is it?
  Dino: It’s at 105 Chung Shan North Road, next to the bookstore.

Sample sentences
• I met my wife at the theater. (while watching a movie)
• I spilled my drink in the theater (on the floor of the building)
• She works at the library on Wednesdays.
• She found a rare coin in the library (building).
• Dr. Jones works at the hospital every day.
• John was in the hospital for a week with a broken leg.


When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
the subject of the active sentence becomes by Agent in the passive sentence (or is dropped)
Only active sentence containing object which can be changed into passive form
The two forms should have the same tenses



Here are the xamples:
A young boy is catching a butterfly.
A butterfly is being caught by a young boy.
Yano has returned the book to the library.
The book has been returned to the library by Yano.

If you want to change an active sentence which has two objects into its passive forms, there are two ways:
Make its indirect object into the subject of the passive sentence.
Make its direct object into the subject of the passive sentence

John is giving his girl-friend a bunch of flower.
indirect object direct object
Passive: The indirect object as the subject
John’s girl-friend is being given a bunch of flower


Passive: The direct object as the subject
A bunch of flower is being given to John’s girl-friend

how about the negative and interrogative?
Take a look at the followings:
People don’t use bikes anymore
Bikes are not used anymore

Did the students play the cards in the class yesterday?
Were the cards played in the class yesterday?

Some students open the book silently during the examination (active)
The books are opened silently by some students during the examination. (passive)

 Ku Klux Klan killed many innocent people.
 Many innocent people were killed by Ku Klux Klan

> Sting will perform the 2nd world tour in Indonesia
> The 2nd world tour will be performed by Sting in Indonesia


Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different meanings. These different meanings might seem too abstract at first, but with time and practice, the differences will become clear. Both "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific time in the future.

1. Future tense “will”
• To assert incident/event that future and decide that incident at talking.
Example= A: Can you help me to do this homework?
B: Of course, I will do it for you.

• To offer to do something.
Example= A: I don’t have a pen to write.
B: Don’t worry. I will lend you.

• To assert an agreement to do something.
Example= A: You must come to my party.
B: I promise I will come on party.

• To predict event that will be happened.
Example= A: Will I pass the test next month?
B: Don’t worry, you will pass.

• To assert an incident/event that will be sure happened.
Example= A: I’m seventeen years old now. How old will I be next year?
B: You will be eighteen years old next years.
2. Future tense “shall”
• To assert a deal or gift suggestion
Example= Today, we are free. Where shall we go?
Note: shall for subject “I, we”

3. Future tense “be going to”
• To assert an incident that will be happened and gone ever break a promise to do it.
Example= A: Did you send my letter for her?
B: Oh, I’m sorry I forgot. I’m going to send it tonight.

• To assert an incident/event that cause there are incident/event that mention that what will be next happened.
Example= A: The sky is very dark. What do you think?
B: I think it’s going to rain.
1. Tomorrow…

2. Next…

3. Tonight
4. The day after tomorrow
5. Soon
6. Later
7. Two, three more days
8. Two, three days later
9. By and by

1. Positive (+):
a. Subject + shall/will + VI
Example: I shall clean the room.
We will go to school.
She will give a present.
Note: “shall” just can use for subject “I and We”

b. Subject + to be + going to + VI
Example: I am going to play tennis.
They are going to swim very fast.
He is going to write a story.
2. Negative (-)
a. Subject + shall/will + not + VI
Example: I shan’t buy a shirt.
He won’t clean the room.
b. Subject + to be + not + going to + VI
Example: I am not to give a present.

3. Interrogative (?)
a. Shall/will + subject + VI ?
Example: Will we play tennis?

b. to be + subject + going to + VI ?
Example: Is she going to write a story?


hey ! what happened w/ their face ?
* Eyebrows that are raised so they become curved and high.
* Stretched skin below the eyebrows.
* Horizontal wrinkles across the forehead.
* Open eyelids: the upper lid is raised and the lower lid is drawn down, often 
exposing the white sclera above and below the iris.
* Dropped jaw so that the lips and teeth are parted, with no tension around the 

hmm,based on description above,they're surprised or disbelief !!

what do I mean 'surprised' ?

surprises or disbelief is

- a feeling that we feel when we heard an amazing news which surprised and amazed us
- an expression that we show/say when we know/hear/see something that rather 
difficult to believe
- used to express something that we can’t or impossible.

beside by gesture,you can express it by words,examples :
 surprises :

- Wow! What a surprise! 
- That’s a surprise!
- (Well), that’s very surprising!
- Really?
- What?
- Are you serious? You must be joking!
- You’re kidding!
- Fancy that!
- I must say it surprises me.
- I find that hard to believe.
Disbelief :

: I don’t believe it.
: It can’t be true. 
: I can’t think of it.
: I don’t trust you.
: I don’t believe you.
: I can’t believe this!
: I didn’t know that.
if there's someone has made you suprised ,you can respond it,examples :
To Responding The Surprises :

~ Yeah!
~ It is.
~ Yup!
~ Sure.
~ It’s true.
~ I’m Serious.
~ No. I’m not.
~ Does it?
~ It is, isn’t it?




A finite verb is a verb that is inflected for person and for tense according to the rules and categories of the languages in which it occurs. Finite verbs can form independent clauses, which can stand by their own as complete sentences.

Read the sentences given below :
  • We go to the cafe.
  • He goes to the cafe.
  • They go to the cafe.
  • She goes to the cafe.
  • I go to the cafe.
(The finite verb is "go")
A finite verb is a word like break, work, broke, sing, write etc. Finite verbs change their form according to the number and person of the subject. For instance, when the subject is a singular noun, the finite verb break changes its form into breaks. Finite verbs are also governed by the tenses. For instance, when the sentence is in the simple past tense, the finite verb break changes its form into broke. Similarly, work changes into worked and sing changes into sang in the past tense.

Non-finite verbs do not change their form according to the number and person of the subject. Examples are gerunds, participles and infinitives.

  • I like swimming.
  • He likes swimming.
Here the verb like is finite because it changes its form according to the number and person of the subject. The gerund reading is non-finite because it does not change its form according to the number and person of the subject.

Reading books is my hobby. (Reading – non finite; is – finite)
books is his hobby.
Having read
the book I returned it to the library. (Having read – non finite; returned – finite)



Modals in the Past form dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah kata bantu pengandaian dalam bentuk lampau.

Modals in the past are :
1. Could
2. Would
3. Should
4. Shall

*Could + Verb base
We can use this expression : to offer suggestion or possibilities.
Example :
Arin  : I’m having trouble with math.
Arin  : Why don’t you ask Gunawan ? Perhaps he could help you.

*Might + Verb base
Use might to tell possibillities.
Example :
Helda : Why is Rio taking the bus to get home.
Fany : He might get a flat time.

*Would + verb base
Use would for an action that was repeated regulary in the past.
Example :
Yoan : What did you usually do on holidays ?
Lia : I would visit my grandparents In the village, but how not anymore.

*Would + Mind + V-ing
Use would to express polite request.
Example :
Mrs. Lady : Would you mind posting the letter ?
Nita : No, Not at all.

*Should + Verb base
Example :
Nisa : Ima , you should go to library now ?
Ima : O.k.


There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common:

  • Could you tell me...?
  • Do you know...?
  • Do you happen to know...?
  • I'd like to know...
  • Could you find out...?
  • I'm interested in...
  • I'm looking for..
These two forms are used for asking for information on the telephone:
  • I'm calling to find out...
  • I'm calling about... 


When? Where? 
 Time Place 

®      To make a question using the predicate pattern, first form a yes/no question byinverting the subject and (first) auxiliary verb. Then, add the appropriate wh- word to the beginning of the sentence.

(You will leave some time.)
? will you leave
When will you leave?
(He is doing something.)
? is he doing
What is he doing?
(They have been somewhere.)
? have they been
Where have they been?

®      If there is no auxiliary and the verb is "be," invert the subject and verb, then add the appropriate wh- word to the beginning of the sentence.

(He is someone.)
? is he
Who is he?
(The meeting was some time.)
? was the meeting
When was the meeting?

®      If there is no auxiliary and the verb is not "be," add do to the beginning of the sentence. Then add the appropriate wh-question word. Be sure to "transfer" the tense and number from the main verb to the word do. 

(You want something.)
? do you want
What do you want?
(You went somewhere.)
? did you go (past tense)
Where did you go?

(She likes something.)
? does she like (third person -s)
What does she like?

®     Other words can also be used to inquire about specific information: 

Which (one)?
How much?
How many?
How long?
How often?
How far?
What kind (of)?
Choice of alternatives
Person (objective formal)
Price, amount (non-count)
Quantity (count)


When the subjective is an infinitive phrase
We begin a sentence with it when the real subject is an infinitive phrase. So instead of saying, ‘To accept your advice is difficult’, we say, ‘It is difficult to accept your advice’.

Structure: It + verb + subject complement + infinitive phrase (real subject)

* It is easy to learn English. (= To learn English is easy.)
* It is easy to find fault with others. (= To find fault with others is easy.)
* It is difficult to know his motive. (= To know his motive is difficult.)
* It is difficult to find a good job during these troubled times.
* It is dangerous to play with fire.
* It could be dangerous to drive so fast.

Note that when we wish to emphasize the infinitive phrase, it may be put at the beginning, especially when it is short.

* To err is human. (OR It is human to err.)
* To become a well known writer was his life-long ambition. (OR It was his lifelong ambition to become a well known writer.)
* To invest all your money in shares is foolish. (OR It is foolish to invest all your money in shares.)

When the subject is a gerund phrase
When the real subject is a phrase that includes a gerund, it is used as a provisional subject to begin the sentence. So instead of saying ‘Your trying to fool us is no good’, we say, ‘It is no good your trying to fool us.’

* It won’t be any good complaining to the manager. (Complaining to the anager won’t be any good.)
* It is silly throwing away this opportunity. (Throwing away this opportunity is silly.)
* Will it be any good my talking to him about it? (Will my talking to him about it be any good)
* It is no fun having so many children to look after. (Having so many children to look after is no fun.)

Note that it is possible to change the gerund into an infinitive.
It won’t be any good for me to complain to the manager.
It is silly (for you) to throw away this opportunity.
Will it be any good for me to talk to him about it? Read more...


have you watched the news?  
if ever,  
have you noticed if for example there is info about the news of missing persons or fugitives, right?
  usually what is told if for example there is info missing persons orfugitives?


  btw,talking of the characteristics, it is associated with which we will discuss today, namely ...

descriptive TEXT.

what is the relation ?
I was told it was described but did not follow the rules in the descriptive text.
but essentially is same,to describe.
  it's just more emphasis on descriptive text about the context for writing.

now let's understand about the descriptive text!

Descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. Take an example, the following is one of the text belongs to the descriptive text.

* Generic structure:

- Identification: Identifies thing, person, place, phenomenon to be described.
- Description: Gives the information of particular thing, person, or
 Place being discussed or describes parts, qualities, or Characteristic.

* Language figures:

a. Topic is usually about the attributes of a think.
b. The use of think person pronoun forms is used.
c. The use of focus specific human and non human participants.
d. The use of reasoning expressed as verbs or noun.
e. The use of material.
f. The use of relation and mental process.

* Characteristic:

a. Use the simple present tense.
b. Using detailed noun phrases to provide information on the subject.
c. Uses relating verbs to provide information on the subject.
d. Use the thinking and feeling verbs to reveal personal views about the subject
e. Use action verbs.
f. Use adverbials to provide additional information.
g. Use figurative language such as simile, metaphor.

* Grammatical features:

- Who? What?
- Using linking verb and simple present tense,
- Epithet: adjective or adjective phrase,
- Attributive (the)
- Use a attributive and identifying process,
- Focus an specific participants,
- Frequent use of epithets and classified in nominal groups

Example :

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol (Ancol Dreamland)

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol (Ancol Dreamland), 10 kilometers north of Merdeka Square, Jakarta, can be your next holiday trip with your family specially kids.
The dreamland is present with its captivating beauty of Jakarta Bay and four other attraction, Sea world, Fantasy World (Dunia fantasy), Atlantis Water Adventure and Marina Beach.
Sea World is a thrilling experience with its inhabitants-Dolphins and an immense number of marine lives from all over the world. Dolphin show is a popular attraction of this particular section which gathers tourists from all over and it can be equated with any of the modernized and high-ticket sea world.
Fantasy World (Dunia fantasy) makes the trip worth to children, keeps them amused and indefatigable entirely. The section, servers several joy rides like Halilintar, Bianglala (a ride of Ferris wheel), Kora-Kora (swing boat), Niagara, Balada Kera and more. This amusement section is sorted into few areas like American are, Asian Area, European Area and further. You will be thrilled with Istana Boneka which will take you for a round in the sea to feel the diverseness around. With the new addition like Power Surge, Perang Bintang and spinning cup, Fantasy World (Dunia fantasy) can claim itself as a complete entertainment package.
Both Adults and kids love to visit Atlantis Water Adventure as they can experience diving in pools, water rides and additional. The poolside restaurants with local dishes are another attractor of this water park and the price is affordable for tourists.
Marina Beach is basically seawall and plays a very important role as it’s an entrance between Jakarta to other Thousand Islands. Known for its captivating scenic beauty, Marina Beach is also popular adjoining of café, dockyard and marine sports centre and will certainly offer you a complete refreshment and entertainment.
Overall costing of the complete visit is reasonable. But the trip will be incomplete without a cycle rickshaw ride which is only available in this place in Jakarta.

hey hey,there's an additional info ! just click here the different between REPORT TEXT and DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ! Read more...