HELL-O bloggers !

My first posting is about GREETING . Spell it = G-R-E-E-T-I-N-G ! good job !
What do you think at the first time you hear ‘GREETING’ word ?
Of course,you’ll immediately think other word like Hello,Hi,Good Morning,and etc.
Definition of Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings intentionally make their presence known to each other,to show attention.
I’ve been bold-type one sentence,that is : 1) an act of communication. Its mean that Greeting include to social lesson,exactly is Sosiology,right ?
Greeting also a custom that exist in all known human culture. The examples Indonesian say Selamat Pagi,Arabian say Assalamualaikum,The Dutch say Goedemorgen,The French say Bonjour or Salut,The Chinese say Ni hao,The Japanese say Ohayou Gozaimasu,The German say Guten Tag,and many more. Every country have different language to greet,but they have same point,just to greet J
*Greeting are often but not always. Used just to prior to a conversation.
In greeting,you learn 4 points. They are :
1) How do you greet other people ?
2) How do you introduce yourself ?
3) How do you introduce other people ?
4) How do you close/end your conversation ?
And now,I’ll explain it one by one to you ! cekidot .
First,How do you greet other people ?
So good you to other people if you can greet other people first. Don’t be shame if you want do a good folkway J
For examples you can say :
ð Hi,Hello (it’s very General)
ð How do you do ? (It’s formal,use when meet at the first time)
ð How’s tricks ?/How are you ? (It’s informal)
ð Watcha ! / What’s up ? ( It’s very informal and just use to greet close friend)
ð Good Morning ( Its use from 12 AM until 12 PM )
ð Good Afternoon ( Its use from 12 PM until 5 PM )
ð Good evening ( Its use from 5 PM until 7 PM )
ð Good Night ( Its use after 8 PM )
ð Long time no see ! / How’s life ? ( It’s informal and use when there’s no a meeting at long time )
ð Good Day ( commonly use by Australian,the time is from 12 PM until 1 PM )
Okay,from now start to practice this lesson into your daily life. Greet other people but please be wise to use informal and formal greeting depend who the people that you’ll greet and don’t forget too,always smile when you greet other people.
Second, How do you introduce yourself ?
This lesson very important when you’re be a new student in a school. Why ? because if they all not know you,you’ll be like a ghost in the school ! kidding yeah ! simple answer,you can’t get new friends. I’ve used this lesson too in this blog (read ‘a bit about me’) yes I’ve introduced my self to you before,right ?
There are some example about introduce your self,cekidot !
You can say :
ð I’ll introduce my self. My name is..
ð Hello. My name is..
ð Let me introduce my self. You can call me.. I’m from..
I’ll give an example in dialogue form too about introduce your self,so good me to you :D
in this moment it’s about a new student in a school.
Teacher : Pupils,today we’ve just get a new a student in this class. She’ll introduce herself.
New Student : Good Morning,Mam. Good Morning,Friends. Let me introduce my self. My name is Sukowati Stewart. You can call me Wati. I come from Denpasar. I moved here because I’ve bored in Denpasar. I hope you all want to be my friends and help to adaption in here. Thank you for your attention.
*That’s all just one example,still many more again in your daily life. But one point that you must remember,what about you’ll tell to other people when you introduce yourself its depend from the how much formal and informal that situation. In formal event like seminar maybe you’ll not tell about your hobby.
Third , How do you introduce other people ?
In this lesson it same like above,but the different is ‘what is your task’. In here,you’re a person who ‘open’ conversation to let your friend introduce his/herself. There are the example :
ð Please meet my classmate, Rebecca.
ð Mom.this is David. David,this is my mom.
ð Janet-Riko. Riko-Janet
In a dialogue :
Joko : Hello everybody. Let me introduce my new classmate,Woro. He’s from Japan.
Woro : Nice to meet you all .
And the last lesson is about How do you close/end your conversation
In a conversation,of course there’s an end,its called ‘Leave-talking’. Impossible if you’ll talk to your friends until hours,days,weeks,months,or years without stop or rest time. So cool your mouth if you can do it ! because of that,so I write about that in here. Lets cekidot guys J
You can say :
ð Sorry. I’ve something to do. Bye
ð I’m sorry. I must go now.
ð Well. It’s time for me to leave. See you
ð See you later/tomorrow/next time/around
Hey how do your feel when you greet other people but he/she not give you a respond ? or the opposite ? So dissapointed,ckck.
If someone greets you,you must respond it. For example :
ð Hello too,hi too
ð Morning too
ð How do you do ?
There are two kinds of respond,positive respond and negative. Here are the example of them :
Positive respond
ð Fine,thanks. And you ?
ð Not bad at all
ð I’m very well,thank you. How about you ?
Negative respond
è Not very well, I guess
è I’m not okay now
When someone introduces him/herself or other people,you can respond like example :
Negative respond
è Not very well, I guess
è I’m not okay now
When someone introduces him/herself or other people,you can respond like example :
ð Pleased/nice meet you too/Glad to see you
ð How do you do ?
ð Hi....I’m.... (we introduce ourself too)
ð Nice/cool name !
When someone close your conversation,you can give respond :
ð Okay,see you too
ð Sure. Bye-bye too
ð Never mind. See you
If someone greets you,you must respond it then say ‘Thanks’ because you’ve gotten a care.
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